
We have a mandatory CCTV Policy in place. In order to licence your vehicle with us, you are required to have an approved CCTV unit installed prior to it being tested. A list of approved suppliers and their contact information is available.


  1. Read our taxi licencing policies
  2. How to plate your vehicle


Read our taxi licensing policies

You will need to read our taxi licensing policies:


How to plate your vehicle

You will need to read our taxi licensing policies.

To submit your vehicle application please complete our online form (opens in a new window). 

When you submit your application, you will need to provide the following:

  • Provide a copy of your vehicle log book (V5C) (front and all middle pages) or proof of purchase. If you do not have this, please visit GOV.UK (opens in a new window) for further assistance on how to obtain a copy. If you have bought a brand new vehicle and have not yet been issued a V5C, proof of sale or new keeps slip will be acceptable.
  • Provide a copy of the Insurance which must state it covers the vehicle to be used as a ‘taxi’.
  • At the end of the application, you will be required to pay a fee of £92.

You must get your vehicle tested. Further details can be found on our MOT web page

If your vehicle passes its test then the front and back vehicle plates will be fitted to the vehicle along with the required signage. The paper counterpart of your licence will be emailed out to you. If you have licensed a Hackney carriage vehicle, you must also display a table of fares within the vehicle. A copy of the document can be found here: Hackney Carriage Tariff (.pdf | 120kb). The vehicle plate will last for six-months and a reminder will be issued one-month prior to the licence expiring.

If your vehicle fails its test you have 10-days to rectify the failures listed on your compliance test sheet. To book your re-test, please visit our MOT web page.

Once you have submitted all the documentation, please allow 10 working days for us to process your application. Please do not chase your application before this time.



 01246 242424
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