Section 106 Agreement monitoring and Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements


Section 106 Agreements are a type of legal agreement between the Council and landowners / developers that are often completed alongside applications for planning permission for major developments. They are used to address the impacts of development where these lie beyond the site itself and so often cover additional pressures on infrastructure that result from growth, although they can cover many other policy areas.

As a result, it is important that the planning obligations and financial contributions that they require are monitored to ensure that the District’s local communities have the impacts of growth managed.

To achieve this, we monitor Section 106 Agreements in two main ways. Firstly, we report quarterly to our Planning Committee which provide updates on those financial sums received that are within 24 months of their spend deadline. Secondly, we publish Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements which provide a more comprehensive picture of what Section 106 Agreement planning obligations and financial contributions have delivered and what money is being held by the Council. These two ways are set out in more detail below.


Quarterly Section 106 Agreement Monitoring updates

The quarterly updates to the Planning Committee on those financial sums received that are nearing their spend deadline for the current year can be viewed on the links below.

2023-24 Quarter 4 Update - Planning Committee Meeting 19th June 2024


Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements

The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019 require the Council to prepare and publish an Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.

The Regulations require local authorities to publish detailed information in a particular format. However, in accordance with our Statement of Community Involvement and our aim for the planning service and publications to be accessible, the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement provides the key information in a written report, with the information required by the Regulations set out in the appendix.

Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements have been produced since 2018/19. Statements produced before 2020/21 have been archived but are available on request by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us.


 01246 242424
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