Creswell Growth Plan

We have decided to prepare a Growth Plan for Creswell. The Growth Plan will be a dedicated plan for Creswell, setting out plans for how Creswell could grow and prosper over the next five years and beyond. It will cover issues such as living and working in Creswell and will particularly focus on the village centre and environmental issues.

What happened previously?

We started the preparation of the Creswell Growth Plan in April 2022 and ran an initial consultation exercise during June 2022. Feedback on what the people of Creswell said during this consultation exercise is set out in the Creswell Growth Plan Newsletter 1.

Following this exercise, we ran a second stage consultation during January and February 2023 which focussed on masterplanning to understand what land uses the people of Creswell thought any growth in the village should include. Feedback on what the people of Creswell said during this consultation exercise is set out in the Creswell Growth Plan Newsletter issue 2 through a Virtual Balloon ride.

What's happening now?

Following consideration of the feedback referred above, we have prepared a Draft Growth Plan which outlines the consultation feedback to date and the policy framework for the Growth Plan, before setting out a number of options for additional growth and other questions about employment in Creswell, its green spaces and countryside.

We are now consulting on the Draft Creswell Growth Plan and the consultation exercise runs from Monday 8 July through to 5pm on Monday 19 August 2024.

To read the Draft Creswell Growth Plan and tell us what you think, please visit our dedicated PlaceBuilder consultation website.

A copy of the Draft Creswell Growth Plan can also be viewed at Creswell Library, the Creswell Events Centre and Clowne Contact Centre, along with copies of the formal representation form.

Officers from the Planning Policy Team will be available at two public drop-in sessions from 4pm to 7pm at the Creswell Events Centre on Friday 26 July and at Creswell Heritage and Wellbeing Centre on Tuesday 6 August 2024.


Timetable going forward

The timetable for the next stages of the preparation of the Creswell Growth Plan is as follows:

• July and August 2024 – Consultation on draft Creswell Growth Plan
• December 2024 – Adoption of Creswell Growth Plan



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