Important Announcements

Annual Governance Statement - We have published our Annual Governance Statement 2023/24. This statement explains how we have complied with the code for the year ended 31 March 2024 and also how it meets the requirements of the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015.

Sports training and education - The latest courses available through our Sports Training and Educational Programme (STEP) have been released and can now be booked.

Community Woodlands - We have produced our latest community woodlands newsletter informing you of what projects we are involved in and introducing John Ramsey as our new Community Woodlands Projects Officer. 

Cats - From 10 June 2024, all cats need to microchipped and registered on a database by the time they are 20-weeks old.

Council tenants - This rent year (2024/25) there are 53 Mondays instead of the usual 52. This only happens every five to six years and as rent is due every Monday this will have an impact on your rent for the year. Check out what you need to know and do about this















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