Planning Advice Notes

Planning Advice Notes assist both the preparation of planning applications and the assessment of those applications by providing advice on the operation of certain policies within the Local Plan for Bolsover District (2020).

To date, the following planning advice notes have been prepared:

  • Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is about preserving biodiversity through creating or enhancing habitats through new developments and a new mandatory 10% Biodiversity Net Gain requirement is now applicable on all large planning applications from April 2024.

In light of this new requirement, we have prepared a new planning advice note to provide advice on the background to the introduction of mandatory 10% Biodiversity Net Gain, how this statutory provision relates to policy SC9: Biodiversity and Geodiversity in the Local Plan for Bolsover District and how we will expect those preparing applications to approach this new legal requirement.

A biodiversity net gain planning advice note has now been published.

We will keep the planning advice note under review as the implementation of the still new Biodiversity Net Gain regime progresses and in light of any further guidance provided by the Government through Planning Practice Guidance.


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