Electoral Register

The Electoral Register contains the names and addresses of all those who have registered to vote within Bolsover District.

Every August/September, a Household Enquiry Form is sent to each household in the district requesting the names of those residing in the house who are eligible to vote. Information on how to complete the Household Enquiry Form is included on the form.

Reminders are issued to households who have not responded and the revised Electoral Register is usually published on 1 December each year.

Two versions are prepared:

  1. The Full Register lists everybody who is eligible to vote, a copy is available at The Arc, High Street, Clowne, S43 4JY for public inspection in accordance with legal requirements. Inspection of the register is strictly under supervision and only written notes can be taken. You will not be permitted to photocopy or take images of any part of the register. It is not permissible for an electronic search to be carried out.
  2. The open version leaves out names and addresses of people who have made a request to be excluded from this version of the register. The open version can be bought by anyone for any purpose.

If you move house after the register is published on 1 December, you can apply to be registered in respect of your new address under the Rolling Registration procedures which takes approximately four to six weeks to take effect. You can register online (opens in a new window) at your new address or contact us for a printed form. Once an election has been called and you find out that you are not currently registered you can apply to register up to 12-days before the election.


 01246 242424
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