Housing Allocation Policy – April 2024

A revised Housing Allocation Policy was implemented on 29th April 2024 after a consultation period was undertaken. The Bolsover Council Housing Allocation Policy – April 2024 (Opens in New window) describes the criteria and procedure that the Council use to prioritise housing applicants for the social housing that we allocate to, i.e., homes owned by the Council, and a proportion of homes owned by Private Registered Providers (commonly known as housing associations) in the District.

The Policy applies to both new applicants and existing council/social housing tenants who wish to transfer to another property and covers key areas such as:

  • Who is eligible to apply for housing
  • Circumstances when people will not be eligible to join the Housing Register or will not qualify to do so
  • The process of applying for housing, including ‘bidding’
  • How housing needs are assessed
  • How properties are allocated to different household sizes and circumstances
  • How the Council will consider exercising discretion
  • How offers of accommodation are made

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Housing Allocations Policy?

 Download the Housing applications policy (2024)

Why has the Housing Allocations Policy changed?

The demand for social housing exceeds supply in the Bolsover District. It has therefore been necessary to revise the policy to prioritise those applicants with a local connection and in the greatest need.

All applications have been reviewed in accordance with the assessment of need and qualifying criteria set out in the policy.

What are the main changes?

 See our Summary of changes page.

What happens to applicants already on the register?

All current and suspended applicants have been issued with a Housing Application Assessment form. This form was issued to enable us to re-assess all applications in accordance with the revised policy.

  • If this form has not been returned your application will have been cancelled.
  • If the form has been received your application will have been reviewed.

In all cases a decision letter has been issued advising of the outcome of the assessment explaining how this may have changed the status and/or banding of your application. These letters were issued on or around the 22nd April 2024. If you have not received the letter by mid-May please let us know.

My application status and/or banding has changed but I have not been notified, why?

A decision letter has been issued to all applicants advising of the outcome of the assessment explaining how this may have changed the status and/or banding of your application. These letters were issued on or around the 22nd April 2024. If you have not received the letter by mid-May, please let us know.

I have logged onto the Bolsover Homes website and I cannot view my existing application

Users can only view their application if it is active, being unable to view your application may suggest that your application has been cancelled. This could be because you do not meet the criteria for rehousing in line with our allocations policy.

If you have not yet received your letter explaining how your application has been affected by these changes please be assured that one has been issued and will be with you in the next couple of weeks.

I have logged onto the Bolsover Homes website and I am unable to place a bid on a property I am interested in.

Users can only bid for properties if their application is active, being unable to bid may suggest that your application has been cancelled or suspended. This could be because you do not meet the criteria for rehousing in line with our allocations policy or we require further information from you.

If you have not yet received your letter explaining how your application has been affected by these changes please be assured that one has been issued and will be with you in the next couple of weeks.

Why is my application suspended?

If you have received a letter advising that your application has been reviewed but is suspended, it is likely that you need to upload some additional information. Please visit the Bolsover Homes website and log into your account to see what information is required for your application to be processed. Failure to provide the required proofs will result in your application being cancelled. If your application is cancelled, you will need to re-apply for housing and will lose any accrued waiting time.

I am a current Council or Housing Association and I have been advised I am no longer eligible to access the housing register, what are my housing options?

If you are already a Council or Housing Association Tenant who is adequately housed but would still like to transfer, you can register with Homeswapper. This is the biggest mutual exchange service for Social Housing Tenants and is a free service. You can register at any time and are not restricted by the 3-year rule from when your tenancy commenced. Please see the Homeswapper website for more information The Homeswapper service is provided free of charge for Bolsover District Council tenants, but there may be a charge for other Council or Housing Association Tenants.

I am not happy with a decision made under the new Allocation Policy. How do I appeal?

You can request a formal review of a decision made on your housing application. This should be made within 21 days of receiving the decision. The request can be made verbally or in writing by letter or email. In these cases, you will be invited to make a written submission stating the reasons for your request. You can also request a review on the self-serve section of our website.

Formal reviews will be conducted by a Housing Manager, and you will be notified of the outcome in writing, including the reasons for their decision. The Council aims to notify the applicant within 56 days; however, this is a target timescale and may be longer depending on operational pressures.


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