Non-native species

There are several key features to look out for which will help you distinguish between Asian hornets, and our native European hornet, Vespa crabro:

  • The Asian hornet is smaller, with queens up to 30 mm, and workers up to 25 mm in length. European hornet queens can reach 35mm
  • A key feature of Asian hornets is its almost entirely dark abdomen except for the 4th segment which is yellow. European hornets, on the other hand, have a brown and yellow striped abdomen (see below)
  • Whereas the legs of European hornets are dark, Asian hornets have bright yellow tips to their legs
  • Asian hornets are only active during the day, unlike our native hornet which is most active at night

If you think you may have spotted an Asian hornet please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


 01246 242424
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