Planning ahead for possible flooding

Nine months have passed since Storm Babet devastated parts of Bolsover District and we understand the impact is still felt deeply by many residents.

Recovery efforts

Alongside our partners like Derbyshire County Council and government departments/agencies, we have been working to support you in recovery, which includes:

  • Waste removal
  • Financial assistance programmes
  • Temporary housing
  • Mental Health Support

Winter preparedness

We understand you may have concerns about potential winter flooding, so here is a summary of work undertaken by all partners since October 2023:

  • Property Flood Resilience Grant Scheme: Applications need to be made to Derbyshire County Council and the scheme is open to new applications until 1 August 2024 -
  • Flood investigation report: A report on flood sources and contributing factors, in all flood affected areas across Derbyshire will be published by Derbyshire County Council for public consultation in summer 2024.
  • Multi-agency flood and drainage: Regular meetings are held with partners to address drainage-related flooding issues.
  • Riparian ownership advice: You may be responsible for a water course through your home/land ownership. We can offer advice on maintenance and improvement measures. Contact us on 01246 242424. Guidance on Riparian Ownership can be found at -
  • Culvert maintenance: As a landowner, we undertake a monthly culvert cleaning regime and annual inspection of all our owned/maintained watercourses.
  • Highway gully cleansing: Derbyshire County Council undertake this function and have need to review cyclic cleaning frequencies in Bolsover District to reflect high risk flood areas.
  • Natural flood management: Projects in our area include flood management works at Pleasley Vale Mills affected by flooding from the River Medan.
  • Flood Warden training: New volunteer flood warden training sessions are available:
    Next session: 26 September at Country Hall, Matlock
    Remote training options are being explored
    Derbyshire County Council offers funding for flood warden equipment
    If you are interested in Flood Warden training, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • Improved flood information: The Derbyshire Prepared website is being enhanced for flood preparedness - How to prepare for a flood | Derbyshire Local Resilience Forum (
  • Sandbag collection points: Working with Parish/Town councils to identify local locations for sandbags and flood advice leaflets. If you require sandbags to prepare for the winter, please contact us on 01246 242424.

How you can be prepared

It's important for everyone to take individual steps to be prepared. Here are resources and tips to help you:

Key actions you can take

Staying informed

We will continue to provide updates on our website and through our other platforms.

Together, with your cooperation and our continued efforts, we can face the potential challenges of winter with greater resilience. 



 01246 242323
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