Bolsover TV - 5 April 2024

The latest episode of Bolsover TV (opens in a new window) is live and can also be viewed on our Vimeo (opens in a new window) channel.

In this week's programme:

  • We talk to Council Leader Steve Fritchley about the newly formed East Midlands Combined County Authority and the upcoming election for a mayor
  • A tree that was blown down during a recent storm in Whitwell has been transformed into a piece of art
  • Shirebrook Bowls Club is trying to encourage more people to take up the sport
  • Roadworks have started on the M1 that are due to last for one year
  • And the history of a cricket ground's teams have been unveiled in picture form

If you have a story or something that could be featured on Bolsover TV then please get in touch (opens in a new window) with us. 


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