Street collections

A charitable collection must not be held in any street or public place in Bolsover District without a street collection permit form issued by us. Applications should be made at least one month before the proposed date of the collection. The collection is subject to regulations relating to such matters as the minimum age of collectors and the safeguarding and auditing of proceeds.

Any person wishing to make an appeal to members of the public by means of a collection for charitable purposes, by way of house to house visits (including places of business, such as public houses) requires a house to house collection licence issued by us.

Certain charities holding Home Office Exemption Orders do not need a licence but must notify us of the collection dates and the specific areas to be covered by the collection.

All collectors must wear a badge which is obtained from The Stationary Office.  The Stationary Office can be contacted by telephone on 0870 6005522 or their address is: TSO Ltd, Post Cash Department, PO Box 29, Norwich, NR3 1GM

Following the charitable collection the organiser must submit a house to house return form to us that details the amount collected and all expenses incurred.  This return must be submitted within 3 months of the end of the collection. There is no charge for the notification.


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