Emergency Planning

Weather information

Met office WeatherReady, great advice for our communities which is available at WeatherReady - Met Office (opens in a new window).

Public access to flood forecasting, is searchable for locations across the county, available at Find location - Check for flooding (opens in a new window).

Hot weather

Please visit the below websites for information on how to deal with and stay safe in hot weather.

Our roles and responsibilities

We have a service level agreement with Derbyshire County Council to undertake its duties in line with the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

As part of this agreement, a senior emergency planning officer works at Bolsover District Council, The Arc, Clowne one and a half days per week. Support on other issues such as risk assessment, eg hazardous site plans, is also provided by Derbyshire County Council.

The aim of the service is to prepare emergency plans and make arrangements to protect people and the environment in Bolsover or reduce the impact on them from an emergency.

We liaise on a regular basis with the police, fire and rescue, ambulance and health services in preparing its emergency plans.

We work with our partners to assess the level of risk for a range of potential hazards. These include threats to human health and the likelihood and potential impacts associated with industrial accidents, flooding and threat of terrorism.

Joint training and rehearsals take place with these services and other agencies to ensure that these plans will work. Our joint aim is to improve our capabilities to respond to emergencies, minimise the effects on our communities and keep residents well informed.

Visit Derbyshire Prepared (opens in a new window) for information and advice to help you better prepare if there was an emergency.

If there are any areas of particular interest please contact the senior emergency planning officer, who will be more than happy to give your further details.

Contact us

Senior emergency planning officer, Bolsover District Council, The Arc, High Street, Clowne S43 4JY. Telephone 01246 242424 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (opens in a new window).


All category 1 responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 are required to carry out risk assessments for their area.

In Bolsover this process has been underway since guidance was first issued by the government in 2005. It involves working with our partners, including the emergency services and health community, to assess the level of risk for a range of potential hazards within the district.

The types of hazard we are looking at cover a wide range of challenges, including threats to human health, for example caused by a serious outbreak of a new human influenza virus, sometimes called pandemic influenza. The emergency planning team was directly involved in the multi-agency response to dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic across the district and the rest of the county.

We also assess the likelihood of, and potential impacts associated with industrial accidents, flooding, transport accidents, the risk of terrorist threats and serious disruption to supply of fuel, energy, communications and other essential services.

A community risk register has been compiled to show the results of these detailed assessments. This enables us to better understand our risks and vulnerabilities, decide our priorities and identify the further actions required, including enhanced contingency planning.

Our joint aim within Derbyshire is to improve our capability to respond to any disruptive challenges, minimise the effects on our communities and to keep residents well informed while we also continue to deliver our own critical services at the required level.

Please read the community risk registers on the Derbyshire Prepared (opens in a new window) website.

Planning for an emergency

We develop and maintain a wide range of both generic and specific emergency plans.

These plans are designed to give guidance to local authorities, emergency services and other agencies so they can act quickly to provide support to those involved in a major incident in Bolsover.
Planning for emergencies ensures that we can better communicate and co-ordinate our efforts.

Further details can be found by visiting the Derbyshire Prepared website.


Flooding can ruin lives and homes and, with many people living in flood risk areas, it is important to be prepared. It is recommended to find out whether your property is at risk of flooding (opens in a new window) and to be up to speed on how to prepare (opens in a new window) and protect your property both before and during a flood.

By making a flood plan, you can take steps to reduce the impact of flooding to your home and business.

A free flood warning (opens in a new window) service, operated by The Environment Agency, provides warnings 24 hours a day. You can also find out if a flood warning (opens in a new window) is in place or telephone the floodline 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0345 988 1188.

The Government (opens in a new window) also has information about how you can get help during a flood and ways you can protect yourself.

Bad weather

During periods of bad weather, this page will provide updates on any interruptions to our services such as events and activities, housing repairs and bin collections. We also recommend that residents and local businesses keep up-to-date with the following information:

  • Gritting, grit bins and staying warm (opens in a new window)- Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is responsible for gritting the road network and for grit bins in Bolsover. Its Snow Info page provides details of these and offers advice on ways to keep warm.
  • Weather forecast (opens in a new window)- The Met Office provides regular forecasts and warnings for the East Midlands.
  • Information on driving in winter weather conditions can be found on the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) website (opens in a new window).
  • Local schools - Bad weather may result in some schools being closed. For the latest information on school closures, please listen to your local radio station or check the DCC website (opens in a new window).
  • You can plan bus and train journeys from and to a particular destination through Traveline (opens in a new window).

Business continuity

The council has business continuity management arrangements in place to help it continue to provide key services in the event of an emergency such as severe weather disruption, staff shortages, loss of premises or power failure.

This plan identifies critical functions and the steps that need to be taken to ensure continued service delivery.

Derbyshire Resilience Partnership

The Derbyshire resilience partnership (DRP) is responsible for the overall direction and policies of emergency planning and preparation in Derbyshire to ensure the effective delivery of the duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. The DRP has a dedicated website, Derbyshire Prepared (opens in a new window), where you can find information and advice to help you better prepare if there was an emergency in the county.

If an emergency occurs, as a local authority, we have a vital role to play in helping to keep you safe, provide information on what to do, keep local services operating as much as possible and keep you informed off the situation.


 01246 242424
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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