
According to the Census 2021, 18,700 people (23% of the population) in Bolsover District stated that their day-to-day activities were limited due to disability or long-term ill health.

Disability relates to the way society is organised, rather than by a person’s impairment or difference. If we remove barriers that restrict life choices for disabled people they can be independent and equal in society, with choice and control over their own lives. One of the ways in which we are removing barriers and improving opportunities for disabled people is by making sure that we put reasonable adjustments in place. These help us to communicate with and enable disabled people using our services and help us to support our disabled staff.

These include (but are not limited to):

  • Communicating in different accessible ways in line with our Equality and diversity policy
  • Offering a reasonable adjustments service for disabled people so that we send written communications in the appropriate format for you. Please use our Self Service (opens in a new window) portal to complete a form.
  • Improving access and facilities for disabled people and others in the buildings we use to deliver our services
  • Providing disabled toilet facilities in our buildings, meeting the Changing Places standard on key sites
  • Making hearing loops available in our Contact Centres and our public meeting rooms
  • Supporting local advice and support services for disabled people as well as inclusive activities and events
  • Providing disabled adaptations to homes to support independent living. These are funded by grants from Derbyshire County Council 
  • Providing specialist disability training for frontline staff so they can respond to individual needs
  • Signing up to Disability Confident (opens in a new window) which supports disabled people in recruitment and at work
  • Making adjustments so existing disabled employees can carry out their jobs and feel safe and supported at work
  • Offering residents across the district access to the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyards and wristbands
  • Supporting staff with an Occupational Health service and an Employee Assistance Programme where they can access information online on a wide variety of practical and wellbeing topics.


 01246 242424
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