Council receives good report for housing standards

We have been graded C2 by the Regulator of Social Housing for its compliance with new Consumer Standards.

We were one of the first to be inspected following the new inspection regime which came into force in April 2024. The Consumer Standards are designed to protect tenants and to ensure they receive high quality services. C1 is the highest achievable level with C4 the lowest.

The inspection, which took place in May, considered how well we were delivering the outcomes of the Consumer Standards. As well as observing a Customer Services Scrutiny Meeting, Tenant Participation Development and Review Group and internal councillor and officer meetings, the Regulators met with tenants, officers and elected members. They also reviewed a wide range of documents.

The judgement document states that we:

  • have appropriate systems in place to manage its health and safety responsibilities,
  • use information we hold on tenants diverse needs when responding to service requests,
  • respond to complaints promptly,
  • offer tenancies which are compatible with the needs of individual households and sustainability of the community, making efficient use of housing stock,
  • work with partners to deter and tackle anti-social behaviour and hate crime in our neighbourhoods.

Council Leader, Councillor Steve Fritchley said, “The Council is very pleased with this outcome especially as it is the first inspection and grading under the new standards. We feel it reflects our commitment to continuously improve the housing stock and housing services, ensuring that we put always put tenants at the heart of what we do.”

The C2 grade recognises we have provided assurance and met the consumer standards in many areas, but identifies some areas where improvement is needed.

Areas identified for improvement include improved recording of information regarding properties meeting the requirements of the Decent Homes Standards and evidence of how we deliver fair and equitable outcomes to tenants. It also highlights the need to ensure complaint handling gives tenants sufficient opportunity to report complaints, and how we resolve and learn from the complaints received.

The Regulator recognised we understand where we need to make improvements and was assured work is already underway to improve these areas, including the full stock condition survey which is about to commence.

Chief Executive Karen Hanson said, “We look forward to working with the Regulator to continuously make improvements and, with the support of councillors and a dedicated workforce, we are confident we can provide further assurance that our tenants receive the best possible service.”

A copy of the judgement can be found on the GOV.UK (opens in a new window) website. 


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