If you are organising an event and intend to sell alcohol/refreshments or provide regulated entertainment then you may need to apply for a licence. Please see our Alcohol and Entertainment page
When organising these types of small public events, you are reminded to:
Follow guidance on safe food production, refer to the Food Standards Agency (opens in a new window) website.
Check all third-party food vendors are registered (if applicable). Obtain a copy of their last inspection report and food hygiene rating which can be found on the Food Standards Agency (opens in a new window) website.
Complete a health and safety risk assessment for all activities and/or obtain risk assessments if activities are controlled by a third party. This includes items such as erecting marquees, stage platforms, PA systems, child or adult activities and equipment that may pose a hazard.
You should follow your organisation’s safety policies and procedures.
Parish Councils should seek advice from our corporate health and safety section.
Please refer to Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (opens in a new window) website for further health and safety information and risk assessment templates.
Noise considerations
The Council’s Environmental Protection Team advise that the below measures are followed when there is any amplified sound as part of your event, particularly if it is outdoors, to make sure the event runs smoothly and causes minimal impact to surrounding properties.
- Try to position all speakers so they direct sound away from residential properties
- Reduce the bass levels of the music being played
- Ensure there is a competent person in charge of the overall sound levels and these can’t be altered by guests/customers
- Avoid un-controlled amplified shouting or singing e.g. karaoke
- Check noise levels around the boundary of the premise at various intervals throughout the event and where necessary ensure that adjustments are made to prevent nuisance being caused
- Try to slow/quieten down the music towards the end of the event to encourage guests to leave in a calm manner
- Advise guests where possible to have pre-arranged means of getting home