Events Calendar

Braiding, looping and sprang
Friday 02 August 2024, 10:00am - 04:00pm

Learn how to use ancient textile techniques and make your own item of clothing through the discovery of Bronze Age hand crafts, with experimental archaeologist Sally Pointer.

The prehistoric evidence for textiles includes several techniques that are less common today. You will explore the evidence for textiles that can be created without a formal loom including simple looping (an early for of nalbinding) and learn how to turn handmade cordage of different weights into flexible bags, baskets or nets. Setting up a simple Sprang frame and learning basic interlinking will allow you to try this unusual technique which is found in Bronze Age hairnets, and you will start work on a braided linen belt inspired by prehistoric finds which you can take home to finish.

This workshop is for ages 15+ and is not suitable for children. All materials will be supplied.

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Location Creswell Crags