Events Calendar

Prehistoric jewellery making
Thursday 01 August 2024, 10:00am - 04:00pm

Create your own Stone Age jewellery using a range of techniques that would have been available to makers more than 10,000 years ago.

Find out how people in the Stone Age used a range of materials to create a personal ornamentation, from beads, pendants and animal carvings.

Your day will begin with an introductory talk into personal ornamentation in the Stone Age. You'll take a closer look at what artefacts have been found in Britain, what they're made from and how experimental archaeology can help better understand how those objects were made.

You'll spend the day doing some experiential archaeology, working with a range of stone age tools to discover how these Stone Age artefacts would have been made to create some Stone Age jewellery of your own to take home. 

What can these artefacts tell us about our Stone Age ancestors? Why was it important to them to make jewellery? And how long would have taken them? Find out at this workshop!

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Location Creswell Crags