Events Calendar

Creswell Crags at 150: Recent research and future directions
Monday 28 April 2025, 06:00pm - 07:00pm

Speaker: Dr Kevin Kuykendall (University of Sheffield)

Fieldwork began at Creswell Crags in 2019, with five completed sessions so far.

The approach is, in some ways, a response to the early work that focused on - and largely removed - the major cave deposits to produce the known archaeological assemblage from the site. Workers have employed a 'non-cave' landscape approach, using GPR and UAV (drone) survey methods to help locate test pit excavations. 

The initial aim was to simply recover relevant Middle and Upper Palaeolithic artefacts and late Pleistocene faunal remains. While such material has been recovered, it is scarce and so far has only been recovered from disturbed contexts. This has led to an effort to work at higher elevations, above the gorge floor, where intact deposits might be buried in situ. This talk will cover some of the finds that have been recovered, the results of the post excavation analysis so far, and the plans for future fieldwork.

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