Recycle clothing and shoes in your burgundy bin

Did you know you could recycle your old clothing and shoes with your normal burgundy bin collection?

Just place your items in a bag and place it either inside of or on top of your bin on collection day. The items will then be passed on to organisations such as the Salvation Army who will sort the items and donate to charitable causes or sell on what they can to provide vital funds for charities across the country.

Councillor Anne Clarke said: “As with all our waste we need to think about ways to reduce the amount we produce as well as re-using and recycling what we no longer require. Being able to use the burgundy bin to re-use and recycle clothing means anyone can donate old clothes and shoes to a worthy cause.

“But we should also think about reducing the amount of clothing we buy in the first place to reduce the amount of waste being produced.”

There has been an increase in the amount of textiles being thrown away and this is likely down to the accessibility of ‘fast-fashion’. The Textile Recycling Association recommends we turn to sustainable brands, buying second hand and reducing our consumption to help tackle to increase in waste.


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